Collected Fact Checks on December 06, 2023 at 17:34:17

This report was run on 12-06-2023 at 17:34, and we have new fact checks from the following organizations:

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Fact checks from – 1 new post

Respiratory Illnesses in Children in China Not So ‘Mysterious’

Published 12/06/2023 21:18
Five Republican senators have penned a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to ban travel to the U.S. from China because of a surge in “mystery” respiratory illnesses among children. But the letter selectively cites outdated information from the World Health Organization, and experts say the illnesses are likely due to known viruses and bacteria and aren’t unexpected.

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Fact checks from Lead Stories – 6 new posts

Fact checks from PolitiFact – Rulings and Stories – 8 new posts

Fact checks from Reuters – 9 new posts

Fact Check: Rishi Sunak used hammer sideways per instructor advice

Published 12/06/2023 19:02
A video of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak using the side surface of a hammer end during a visit to a jewellery studio is circulating online without the context that the jeweller seen with Sunak in the excerpt from a longer video had instructed him to do so.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: ‘From the river to the sea’ chant not yet granted a U.S. trademark

Published 12/06/2023 15:10
A trademark application for the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” which was filed in the United States on Nov. 17, 2023, has not yet been granted as of Dec. 6, contrary to claims online. A spokesperson for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has said that the application is still pending.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: Image shows Conor McGregor released on bail in 2018

Published 12/06/2023 12:34
A photograph of Irish UFC fighter Conor McGregor exiting a Brooklyn police precinct in 2018 after he was charged with assault for his part in a melee at a Brooklyn arena is circulating with the false claim that it shows him detained for incitement after the Nov. 23 Dublin riots.

Read at Reuters

Fact checks from – 7 new posts

Fact checks from USA Today – 2 new posts




