Collected Fact Checks on December 18, 2023 at 16:39:01

This report was run on 12-18-2023 at 16:39, and we have new fact checks from the following organizations:

This site is not affiliated with, or supported by, any of these sources. This site aggregates descriptions of fact checks, and links back to the original source. Read About FlammablePants for more information about this site.

Fact checks from – 3 new posts

Fake Story About Trans Athlete Spreads Online

Published 12/15/2023 22:14
Lia Thomas, who received widespread attention as a transgender member of the women’s swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania, has graduated from college and is no longer on the school team. But claims about her persist online, including one recent falsehood, which originated on a satirical site, claiming that she joined a men’s team.

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GOP Misleading Claims in Biden Impeachment Investigation

Published 12/14/2023 23:03
House Republicans passed a resolution on Dec. 13 to formalize their impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. In attempts to build momentum for the vote, Republicans continued to present misleadingly incomplete information in service of the claim that Biden benefited from his family members’ “influence peddling” with foreign businesses and governments.

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Fact checks from Lead Stories – 6 new posts

Fact checks from PolitiFact – Rulings and Stories – 9 new posts

Fact checks from Reuters – 8 new posts

Fact Check: ISS footage is not filmed in NASA training pool

Published 12/15/2023 19:53
Videos and images are routinely captured from the International Space Station, contrary to claims shared on social media that the station does not exist and that footage is instead captured in the NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.

Read at Reuters

Fact checks from – 13 new posts

Fact checks from USA Today – 11 new posts




