Collected Fact Checks on November 30, 2023 at 15:47:49

This report was run on 11-30-2023 at 15:47, and we have new fact checks from the following organizations:

This site is not affiliated with, or supported by, any of these sources. This site aggregates descriptions of fact checks, and links back to the original source. Read About FlammablePants for more information about this site.

Fact checks from – 3 new posts

Post Makes Unfounded Claim About Doctors Without Borders Worker

Published 11/28/2023 22:38
Doctors Without Borders has been working in the West Bank since fighting intensified between the Israelis and Palestinians after Oct. 7. But a video post on social media misleadingly claims it shows an aid worker from that organization passing a gun to a Palestinian fighter. The worker is wearing a vest used by the Palestinian Medical Relief Society.

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Social Media Posts Misrepresent Video of IDF Aircraft Attack

Published 11/28/2023 20:46
At least 260 people were killed by Hamas during the militant group’s surprise attacks at an outdoor music festival in Israel on Oct. 7. A video clip on social media falsely claims to show Israel Defense Forces helicopters firing on festival-goers that day. The clip is from a video of IDF aircraft shooting at Hamas militants a day later at sites in the Gaza Strip.

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Fact checks from Lead Stories – 15 new posts

Fact Check: Putin Did NOT ‘Bomb Big Pharma in Ukraine’ For ‘Suspected’ COVID-19 Vaccine Production In 2023 — Farmak’s Warehouse Was Hit In 2022 During Nearby Battle

Published 11/28/2023 19:34
Did Russian President Vladimir Putin order “the destruction of a Kyiv pharmaceutical laboratory suspected of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines” owned by Farmak, one of Ukraine’s major companies selling medical products, in November 2023? No, that’s not true: The company’s warehouse near…

Read at Lead Stories

Fact checks from PolitiFact – Rulings and Stories – 20 new posts

Fact checks from Reuters – 20 new posts

Fact Check: Iceland has not banned COVID vaccines

Published 11/30/2023 17:37
A headline shared online falsely claims that Iceland has banned COVID-19 vaccines and cites sudden deaths for which there is no evidence, according to the Icelandic national health authority.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: Palestinian official flag in 1939 did not show Star of David

Published 11/30/2023 16:43
An image of a Zionist movement flag from the 1930s does not show the “official” Palestinian flag in 1939, according to historians, despite online posts sharing a photograph of the flag with the Jewish Star of David symbol that purportedly appeared in a French dictionary of the era.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: Video of teacher discussing pronouns is a skit

Published 11/30/2023 13:29
A clip showing a teacher called Darren discussing pronouns is a skit, according to a disclaimer by the video’s creators at the end of the original video. A version without this clarification, however, is being shared online by social media users who are interpreting it as real.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: Spoof lobotomy poster shared online as if from 20th century

Published 11/29/2023 09:27
A satirical advertisement for lobotomy, a discredited surgical treatment for mental illness widely performed in the mid-20th century, was intended to sell enamel pins, its creator said, but it has fueled anti-science sentiment online circulating as if it shows an authentic historical flier promoting the procedure.

Read at Reuters

Fact Check: Wilders must form coalition to be Dutch PM

Published 11/28/2023 21:10
It may take months for Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders to form a government, but online posts mistakenly claimed that the populist automatically became prime minister after his party’s election win on Nov. 22.

Read at Reuters

Fact checks from – 15 new posts

Fact checks from USA Today – 17 new posts




