Collected Fact Checks on November 07, 2023 at 16:33:51

This report was run on 11-07-2023 at 16:33, and we have new fact checks from the following organizations:

This site is not affiliated with, or supported by, any of these sources. This site aggregates descriptions of fact checks, and links back to the original source. Read About FlammablePants for more information about this site.

Fact checks from

No Change in George Floyd’s Cause of Death, Despite Viral False Claims

Published 11/06/2023 22:01
The police officer who kept his knee on George Floyd’s neck for about nine minutes in 2020 was convicted of murder, and the medical examiner determined that police efforts to subdue Floyd caused his death. Nothing about the autopsy’s findings have changed, but social media posts falsely claim new documents show Floyd died of a drug overdose or natural causes.

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COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19

Published 11/06/2023 21:58
COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Social media posts have misused survey data and adverse events reports to falsely claim that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than COVID-19. But serious adverse events resulting from vaccination, including deaths, are rare.

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Fact checks from Lead Stories

Fact checks from PolitiFact – Rulings and Stories

Fact checks from Reuters

Fact checks from

Fact checks from USA Today




