Collected Fact Checks on November 09, 2023 at 18:52:22

This report was run on 11-09-2023 at 18:52, and we have new fact checks from the following organizations:

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Fact checks from

Taylor Swift Film Is Being Screened in Israel, Contrary to Online Post

Published 11/09/2023 17:31
As some celebrities issued statements in response to the Israel-Hamas war, a video posted to social media falsely claimed that pop star Taylor Swift stopped screenings of her new film in Israel. But it was technical difficulties with showtime schedules that made screenings appear unavailable in Israel. Screenings of the film have continued in Israel.

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Fact checks from Lead Stories

Fact checks from PolitiFact – Rulings and Stories

Fact checks from Reuters

Fact checks from

Fact checks from USA Today




